
Falmouth Site

Our factory in Falmouth is a facility processing Ready to Eat Crab.

Outside Fal fish Falmouth factory

Falmouth is our founding site, situated on the docks with its own private landing quay. Falfish began trading here in 1979 and has always retained this unique site. Following significant investment, our factory is now a custom designed dedicated Crab and Lobster Processing Facility. Processing European Lobster and Brown Crab from the local fishing boats. Falfish are supporters and funders of the Project UK Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) which includes Crab and Lobster. FIPs are multi-stakeholder initiatives that aim to improve a fishery towards sustainability and MSC certification.

Our Falmouth operation specialises in producing Handpicked Crab and Lobster meat using locally sourced product to service our wholesale and retail customers. All of our cooked Crab and Lobster go through a humane stunning unit which ensures the welfare and quality standards are not compromised. After cooking and cooling our team delicately hand pick the meat from the bodies, legs and claws to produce premium quality white and brown meat. The meat is then checked for shell using a UV light before being packed and dispatched.

Picking out white crab meat at Fal Fish factory

Our Falmouth site has a dedicated deep water landing quay where boats land direct

Crab picking at Fal Fish

On-site saltwater storage tanks mean we can offer on a regular basis:

  • Live Brown Crab
  • Live Spider Crab
  • Live Native Lobster

The sites private landing facility has 24-hour coverage to ensure the vessels we work with always have an opportunity to land. More than just a landing station, from this site we provide a full service supplying ice, fuel and bait.